2 min readMar 5, 2021


Marshmallow Swap Announcement DeFi World integrate.

Prepare the Bonfire 🔥

Here we go, like Mario says… MarshmallowSwap.Finance, keep it simple, that’s our main aim. Because we need a lot of hard world to be one of the most profitables DeFi projects and all our energy will be focused on solving every problem on the road piece by piece, step by step, we can’t promise other things, for now just we promise to you, keep it simple and bring to you to the moon.

What you can find on MarshmallowSwap?

MarshmallowSwap like other DeFi sites is an Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on BSC (Based on PancakeSwap system). Our team is compose for people from all around the world, this is a funny history because we are working together for years and this project was where all of us had involved a lot and we realized that we never ask each other where we from. But knowing your team you know where your project will be in a future. So that premise of keep it simple start from there, that little things making differents. By the way, all the team had years of experience on how works this market and have a lot of crazy ideas on how to improve this reality, I’ll don’t call it anymore project because is a reality now.

We taked too long to launch the website but is for the simple reason that for the official launch don’t have the basic errors of all time. We need faced others big problems and the little issues we need solve right now we want a clear launch. But you can take a look on

What about Token and Burning Token?

If you didn’t see it yet, one of our popular phrases is “prepare the Bonfire” that’s one reason behind the name. Smart right?🤓. So yes, we will make and build all the necessary things and programs to burn the tokens in the correct way.

Our token is $MMLW stake, pool and farm $MMLW on our site. Soon! For now prepare yourself for Airdrop contest.

Official address and links?

App: https://MarshmallowSwap.Finance/

‌Twitter: @MarshmallowSwap


Contract Details

MMLWToken: 0xD942372F0CB34364f67bC10Bc8f13a9AF5516455

Thank you guys. Let’s do the things right. Cya!




Marshmallow’s First Yield Farmin on #BSC #Swap | #Pool | #Staking | #Farming | #Lottery